360 Ministries


Empowering former refugees to lead and transform refugee ministry in Clarkston and beyond.


360 Ministries is committed to empowering and mobilizing former refugees to take on leadership roles within the refugee ministry. We provide support, guidance, and advocacy while creating opportunities for former refugees to lead local ministries in Clarkston and their countries of origin.

New Neighbor Care

Meet Kalpana Tamang

She was born in a refugee camp in Nepal. At the age of 16, she accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as her Savior. When she first arrived in the US, she barely understood English and felt like she had no purpose in life. She struggled to get through each day. However, in 2013, her perspective changed when she found purpose in living a missional life, inspired by the verse Matthew 5:13-16.

She wrote, “Through this scripture, God changed my focus from myself to Him.” Kalpana now wants to help other believers like herself live out the purpose that God has for them. She believes that we are not meant to live comfortably in one place, but rather to go out into the world, preach the gospel, heal the sick, and make disciples in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit (according to Matthew 28:16-20).

New Neighbor Care

Meet Lhening Magar

Lhening Magar and her family were relocated to Clarkston, Georgia, from a refugee camp in Nepal in 2008. Clarkston is a significant place for her as it represents her community and second home. She believes in the importance of doing mission work within her community and views it as an opportunity to reach unreached people. Lhening’s main goal is to guide individuals within the refugee community into mission work, fostering a sense of purpose and direction. She hopes to inspire others to recognize the value and significance of local mission work and understand that they can make a meaningful difference.

Romans 1:16: “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.” This verse serves as a guiding light, reminding her of the gospel’s transformative power and the urgency to share it with others.

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Every donation helps New Neighbor Care continue serving the community of Clarkston, GA. Thanks for your generous contribution!